Eventhough Bloo's bday was 8/14 but I decided to have a bday party today. I gave Bloo and Momo a haircut and a bath 4 days ago so they were well groomed for the big day.
I took the boys to the park in the baseball field around the Bronx. It was very spacious for them to run around without people nearby, yet I had to supervise their every moves because Momo loves to walk in to the wood. We only stayed for 30 mins because I kept getting bitten by bugs. But from the look in their faces, they had a great time.
I waited for the dogs' mom to come home. And she came with presents, included four toys, a bag of cookies and a bag of doggy treats. My brother came home one hour later. We had dinner. I had a doggy cake for them but it got spoiled on the frosting part. We gave the cake that was spoiled to the dogs and they hate it. Guess I won't order cake for them again. I think they rather eat meat than cake.
They love love joy ride
King Bloo Bloo
Crap, it's molding
It's Bloo's bday and he hates us - lol
After Party