Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays

Trip to the Vet

Bloo and Momo were due for their annually vaccine shots and check for heart worms. At first, we were so happy that the owner and I were taking them outside for a walk not knowing they were being sent for a brutal shots. Luckily, the hospital was only 3 blocks away from our house since they both love stopping to sniff at something.

Once we got into the hospital, Momo was the first to go for his shots. He was a trooper. He was shivering a bunch but he had a big smile after all the ordeal was over. Momo's arm was bleeding a lot and I was trying to stop it and trying to clean it. Bloo was next for his shots. They put a muzzle was him. He was moving a lot when they were drawing blood. I gave them greenies as a treat for being brave.

These are the pics after the shots. Too cute.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Their new knitted scarfs

I started getting back into knitting. I decided to make them a scarf/headband/collar. They really hate it but it's cute watching them wearing it and trying to take it off.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Momo' Scare Attack

I came out of the shower from my intense workout to see Momo limping. My first instance was to call the owner and grab the car key to the nearest hospital. I carried Momo into the car. I hit two parked cars while parallel parking - needs to control my nerves. It turned out that he must've hurt the leg or fell asleep. Luckily, it's not broken. At least it's only 35 bucks.

He is resting right now.